Sales Performance Management and Improvement SoftwareSales companies find it very difficult to keep the sales employees engaged and motivated all the time in order to meet sales targets. So we…Jun 27, 2021Jun 27, 2021
ArchitectureI have worked for several years as an Architect in various capacities. I worked in small and big companies with different scales of…Aug 1, 2020Aug 1, 2020
TimesheetThe project was to redesign an existing time-sheet being used by my office staff. The goal is to make the experience of feeding in the…Apr 5, 2020Apr 5, 2020
A mobile application to make your travel plan in a relaxed way.This app is the product of my capstone project, the final course of “Interaction Design Specialization” at the University of California…Apr 5, 2020Apr 5, 2020