P2P mobile app

Vikrant Kumar
3 min readSep 19, 2023



Making peer to peer(P2P) payment journey quick, seamless, and delightful.

User Research

Needfinding through observation -

To find the design needs and opportunities, I asked a participant to use his P2P payment mobile app and speak out aloud while using it.

Key tasks:

  1. Paying back dues to a friend.
  2. Requesting a friend to pay his dues.
  3. Check the payment options he can link to his app wallet.

User Persona & Journey Map -

Based on the observation, I created a persona and journey map to guide me throughout the design process.

Opportunity Area -

Provide coherent experience by reducing the number of steps and enable the transfer of large sums of money seamlessly.


Brainstorming -

  1. Peers need a way to pay directly through their bank account if they need to pay more than the wallet balance/limit.
  2. Peers need a way to use their debit/credit cards to pay more than their wallet balance/limit.

Competitive Analysis-

  1. “Paypal”, used worldwide — It links credit/debit cards and bank accounts to make a payment.
  2. “Paytm”, used in India — It uses UPI Money transfer to pay directly through their bank account.


User Task Flow -

Based on the opportunity area, I decided to prototype the user flow at 1–6 (marked in purple).

Defined user Task:

Pay more than your wallet’s limit to a friend using his/her contact.

Paper Prototype -

Wireframe -

Visual design -

Hi-Fidelity mockup -

Click on the link to check the navigational prototype:


The user flow on this mobile app allows users to make a seamless transaction with less number of clicks to make the transaction seamless. At the same time, it ensures safety by asking for confirmation before the actual transfer, thereby reducing the risk of mistakes. The option to add net banking gives users the freedom to transfer amounts larger than their wallet limit. Therefore, the app will give users a quick, seamless, and delightful experience while doing P2P payments.

