Sales Performance Management and Improvement Software

Vikrant Kumar
5 min readJun 27, 2021


Sales companies find it very difficult to keep the sales employees engaged and motivated all the time in order to meet sales targets. So we worked around finding a way to improve overall employee engagement and productivity.

Key Objective

Engage sales employees to increase sales and revenue.

My Role

I was the first full-time UX hire in the company.
So I was asked to make a small team with two more interns and lead it. We started this project in the second week of April 2021 and worked till the end of June 2021.


  1. Sales representatives
  2. Sales and revenue operations
  3. Leaders and CXOs
  4. Admin and Finance

To understand the users, we connected with some people who are part of sales teams to discuss their journey. According to their viewpoints, we created a set of persona and journey maps by empathizing, mapping their activity, challenges and pain points. This guided us throughout the creation of the product.

User Personas

Sales Representative

Sales Manager

Journey Mapping

Sales Representative

Sales Manager

In the user journey maps, we mapped the opportunity areas from the frustration points of the users. We used these opportunity areas to ideate by generating as many ideas as possible.


Before jumping to the design process, we did a competitive analysis on what other companies are offering for sales motivation and incentivization. It was very important for us to know what the competitors are offering and how can we make our product better. For that, we studied project portfolios of the existing products and compare the services they are offering.

Competitive Analysis

Feedback: After this exercise, we reached to the conclusion that creating a few different products for different purposes makes it affordable even for small organizations. The companies can go for all the solutions or a particular solution depending on their requirements. So we decided to make 3 different
products that will come to a package or individual products:

  1. QuotaCal — to calculate daily incentive earning based on revenue generation or profit earned.
  2. Mok — to motivate sales teams by carrying out theme-based contests.
  3. Quizathon — to train/coach sales employees

I am highlighting the design process of Mok here. Mok is our Gamification product to motivate and incentivize the sales employees by creating goals and contests based on metrics in order to increase the overall revenue of the company. We redefined the user task with the ideas we generated.

User Task Flow

User Information Architecture

Themes based contest ideas

Team vs Team
Individual vs Individual


Contest and Leaderboards
View Probability-based contest and goals
View Profile and Social Media page

Admin Side Task Flow

Admin Side Information Architecture

Admin side Wireframes

High Fidelity Design

On request

